Basic Pool Safety Tips

Basic Pool Safety Tips

There are a number of details to iron out before or during the installation of a new swimming pool, and at Impressions Landscape, Pools & Spa, we’re here to make it all simpler for you. Everything from design to logistics to installation day details are items we’ll make sure you don’t spend time stressing over. There’s one very important item that won’t come up until your custom pool has been installed: Safety. Both for children and adults alike, the pool area requires a few precautions. These are mostly to keep everyone safe, but the most extreme of incidents may also lead to costly pool maintenance or repairs as well. Here are a few tips.

Take Turns

This is one of the first rules you want to put in place for any children around the pool area. Items like diving boards, ladders and slides should always be a one-at-a-time format, no matter what. With the diving board, it extends even further – the person in front must have cleared the diving area before the next person even gets on the board. Even if these seem like over the top rules, a strict format is the best way to prevent any issues.

No Shallow Dives

Both for children and adults, check the water levels before doing any head-first diving, or any acrobatics or tricks. These absolutely should not be performed by anyone in the shallow end, and some of the most serious pool-related injuries come from these incidents.

Watch for Slips

Water is slippery, but it isn’t always easy to see on the ground. There are several areas near the pool where you’ll need to make a no running rule for kids – at least a few feet from the pool in all directions, plus any common pathways that might get wet quickly. If there are items strewn around the pool area, try to clean these up as often as possible to prevent other tripping potential.


For adults using the pool, a sobriety rule should be enforced. Swimming while intoxicated is dangerous and sets a bad example for any kids who might be around. If you as the homeowner are on the fence about a guest’s sobriety level in the pool, chances are they’ve had enough for you to ask them to stay on dry land. Want to find out more about a custom swimming pool, or any of our landscaping services? The experts at Impressions Landscape, Polls & Spa are standing by to assist you. by seoteam | Expires

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