Expert Tips for Quality Pool Design

Expert Tips for Quality Pool Design

At Impressions Landscape, Pools & Spa, our custom swimming pools live up to their name – you’re in full control over the design and installation process from start to finish. Our technicians will assist where they’re needed, but all final decisions rest with you. For some people, this is an intimidating task. There are several important elements to consider when designing a custom pool. Here are some complimentary bits of advice for organizing some of the most important factors.

Space and Layout

The first big call you’ll need to make involves the size of the pool, its shape, and where it will be located in your yard. You’ll have to factor in logistical concerns here, such as property lines, safety elements, and any space you need to leave available for additional landscaping projects. If you have children, make sure to plan out some space for expected activities around the new swimming pool. If you’re planning to install a hot tub as well, make sure things work spatially. This is the base layer for many other design elements.


Next, you have to determine which type of material you want for your pool. Whether this is wood, metal, or a newer product like gunite (a rebar framework covered in concrete and sand), there could be benefits for you and your family. If you aren’t sure here, the experts at Impressions Landscape are happy to help.

Accessories and Items

You’ll also have some decisions to make on some of the largest pool accessories. These include things like diving boards, hot tubs, slides or even volleyball nets. On a smaller scale, these include things like toys and floatation devices for smaller children. In these cases, you’ll want to make sure you have adequate storage space, both for times of non-use and for winter months.

Budget Concerns

All of the above needs to fit into your budget, which should be planned well in advance. Don’t make budgetary calls on a whim, and employ the advice of our landscaping professionals for anything you’re unsure of. Keep in mind property fences, plus additional power and water sources that come with a pool, especially if it’s heated. Want to learn more about pool design, or any of our other landscaping services? The experts at Impressions Landscape, Pools & Spa are standing by. by seoteam | Expires

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